SMOBio FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is a ready-to-use 6X DNA loading dye designed for fast qualitative electrophoresis analysis. Containing sensitive fluorescent dye with high specific affinity towards double stranded DNA (dsDNA), the SMOBio FluoroDye™ Fluorescent DNA Loading Dye has negligible background and renders destaining process unnecessary. The SMOBio FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye allows the user to immediately visualize electrophoresis result upon completion or to monitor the electrophoresis in real time. SMOBio FluoroDye™ DNA Fluorescent Loading Dye is compatible with both the conventional UV gel-illuminating system as well as the less harmful long wavelength blue light illumination system. SMOBio FluoroDye™ emission as bound to dsDNA is 522 nm, while its excitation peaks are at 270, 370 and 497 nm.